Leveraging TV and movie adaptations to benefit game franchises | Opinion
So, there’s a prestige, high-budget TV show based on Fallout, and it’s not only pretty great, it’s also so successful that a second season has already been greenlit. Perhaps the most surprising thing about this is how unsurprising it has become – how little time it took for us all to become blasé about video games properties being adapted into high-quality, well-received TV shows and movies. Go back in time only ten years or so and try to explain that this would happen to anyone in the industry, and they’d think you a hopeless optimist at best.Yet here we are in 2024 with not only Fallout, but a host of other successful adaptations of game properties fuelling a major boom in companies vying to bring the next big game IP to other screens.Indeed, as we get caught up in the hype around each major new game-based TV show, it's easy to miss just how consistent this trend has become in a very short space of time. The Last of Us and now Fallout are the standouts, certainly, but there's also an ongoing Halo show, The Witcher is arguably an adaptation of the games as much as the original novel, and there are successful animated shows tying into League of Legends, Cyberpunk, and Castlevania. Read more

So, there’s a prestige, high-budget TV show based on Fallout, and it’s not only pretty great, it’s also so successful that a second season has already been greenlit. Perhaps the most surprising thing about this is how unsurprising it has become – how little time it took for us all to become blasé about video games properties being adapted into high-quality, well-received TV shows and movies. Go back in time only ten years or so and try to explain that this would happen to anyone in the industry, and they’d think you a hopeless optimist at best.
Yet here we are in 2024 with not only Fallout, but a host of other successful adaptations of game properties fuelling a major boom in companies vying to bring the next big game IP to other screens.
Indeed, as we get caught up in the hype around each major new game-based TV show, it's easy to miss just how consistent this trend has become in a very short space of time. The Last of Us and now Fallout are the standouts, certainly, but there's also an ongoing Halo show, The Witcher is arguably an adaptation of the games as much as the original novel, and there are successful animated shows tying into League of Legends, Cyberpunk, and Castlevania.
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