stop mediafire from reloading pa Stop Mediafire from Reloading Pages: Troubleshooting Tips

Stop Mediafire from Reloading Pages: Troubleshooting Tips

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Google may have cached a version of the web page when images were not working. Until the cache is refreshed, the cached version of the page will continue to load.

Clear the cache to get the latest version of the web page to see if the problem is Chrome’s cache.

Prevent a web page from auto-refreshing

Although the feature is extremely useful, it gets annoying when you want to read the content and the page reloads automatically every second in the middle of your work. If you find this feature unnecessary and annoying, you can disable automatic web page updates. In this article, we will show you how to disable automatic updating in popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

Although there is no direct method to disable auto-refreshing of web pages in Chrome, you can choose to download a third-party extension to block auto-refreshing of web pages. Follow these steps to disable auto-refreshing of web pages in Chrome

Dismiss tabs with an extension

Unfortunately, the chrome://flags/#automatic-tab-dismiss option has been deprecated and removed from the current version of the experimental features available for use in the browser. So the only option is to download a chrome extension that will do the job for you.

  1. Open a new Chrome tab, type “chrome://extensions” in the search bar and press Enter.
  2. Now click on the main menu on the extension page, it’s the three horizontal lines icon next to Extensions.
  3. Then click Open the Chrome Web Store at the bottom of the resulting side panel. You can also access the Google Chrome Store directly through the URL, but it’s nice to have several options to choose from.
  4. Type “dismiss tab” in the search bar, then select “Disable automatic tab dismissal” from the list of extensions.
  5. Click Add to Chrome to install the extension in your browser.

Mozilla Firefox and related browsers:


  1. Hold down the Ctrl key and press the F5 key.
  2. Or hold down Ctrl and ⇧ Shift and then press R.

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