Mediafire Free Upload and File Sharing
As Internet connections get faster over time, more and more people are able to upload and share larger files over the Internet. While it used to be slow for many to send just a few megabytes, it is now quite possible to upload hundreds of times more in minutes. There are many places you can upload files to, including cyberlocker file hosting services, cloud hosting, or even more advanced methods like FTP.
Many hosting and file sharing services have free and subscription-based options. Very often, the files of the free service are automatically deleted after weeks or months or after a period of inactivity. But if you do the opposite and want your files to expire after a certain period of time or after a certain number of people have downloaded them, these options aren’t available everywhere, and the options are a bit more limited.
Computer and Network
On the computer that hosts your FTP server, you need a user account with administrator or root privileges to install, configure, and manage the server.
Make sure the FTP server software you choose is compatible with your host computer’s operating system. This shouldn’t be a problem, as there is FTP server software for Windows, macOS, Linux, and just about any other operating system that connects to the Internet.
Main Features
- Add any type of file to your website in 4 different ways You can add files to your website and manually enter all associated metadata. If not, you can add files that are already in the media library using a bulk CSV import or simply upload them by drag and drop. These files can be hosted on your website or externally. Unlike standard WordPress, there is no limitation on the supported file formats.
- Multiple View and Download Options After you embed documents on your website, you can display them with a download button, icon, or text link.
You can list document files in folders that contain an unlimited number of subfolders. Document libraries can also include various customizable information fields, such as author and publication date. - Advanced Sorting, Filtering and Search Site visitors can choose from multiple sorting options. You can filter files based on categories, tags, and custom taxonomy in a filter dropdown menu. The plugin also supports instant AJAX keyword searching.
- List only the documents you want. Include or exclude specific files on the front screen using attributes like content ID, tags, and date. Or simply set a default search term to filter the files end users see by default.
- Responsiveness on all devices The file library adapts to all screen sizes, regardless of the number of columns of information added to the file display. You can choose which columns to prioritize if the added columns don’t fit on the page. The filter and navigation controls are also very responsive.
Document Library Pro is a simple yet efficient WordPress file sharing plugin and WordPress download manager at the same time. With it, you can set up your file databases and start sharing files in minutes.
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