How to Check Who Uploaded a File on Mediafire

The next question came from one of our teachers who participates in the E3Link project, which connects students in Algeria with students in the United States. This applies to anyone who has tried to email a large attachment only to have it bounced back or not received by the person. Question: I can’t email you the PowerPoint presentation. It gives me an error message that the attachment is too big for your mailbox. Is there another way to send you this presentation? Answer: Unfortunately, many email programs have a limit on the size of attachments sent or received. This can be frustrating when trying to send someone an attachment for a required project. Also, when you add photos, audio, or video to PowerPoint presentations, they can get quite large. Below are two suggestions with short tutorials to go along with them. Compress images in a document or presentation To see the size of a document or presentation, open it. Go to File and then Properties. In the dialog that appears, make sure the General tab is selected. Once the General tab is selected, you can see the size of your file. If your file is larger than 10MB (some emails have an even smaller limit), you should try to compress the file before emailing it. If your file is still larger than 10MB after zipping it, consider uploading it to a web server and providing a link for the person you’re sending it to to access it. (See Upload a file to In Word and Microsoft PowerPoint there is an easy way to compress the images contained in your document. Open the document or presentation and double-click one of the images. A dialog box will appear. Click the Compress button at the bottom of the box. A second dialog will appear. Select All images in document, web/screen and click the OK button. Another dialog box will appear asking if you want to apply the image enhancement. Click the Apply button. Depending on the number of images you have, the application may take a few seconds. After the compression is complete, click the OK button on the initial dialog. If you go back to File, Properties, you should see a big difference in the file size of your document or presentation if it contains a lot of images. Uploading a file to If compressing your file doesn’t reduce the file size enough, you don’t have access to a web server, and find you can’t send an attachment via email, there are several free file transfer services available. In the net. I’ll give instructions for the one we use for the e3Link project called Other services include,,, and is a free file transfer service that allows you to upload a file to your web server, store it there, and send it to someone else by sending them a link to the file. On the website you can:
- share files with all your friends and upload them just once
- link files from your MySpace page, blog, or forums
- Keep frequently used documents online so you can access them from any computer