Download Wifislax 64 Bits for Free from Mediafire

Hey what’s up! I am here to share the Wifislax ISO Files The Download Will Be Through the MEGA / Mediafire Server I will also leave you some Links with Direct Download Those Links are for those who have problems downloading through MEGA. The ISOs in Direct Download are not mine, they are the property of Seguridadwireless If you want to be more informed about the Wifislax System, visit the Official Pages This is Recommended, To know about New Versions of Wifislax
It was developed for two main languages, the first spoken in Spanish while the second is English. You can choose your preferred language when you run WiFi Slax on your computer. This version refers to the latest version of WiFiSlax. It is the latest free ISO download. There are mainly 10 new and working apps. It consists of all related WiFi hacking as well as update file hacking. It is also safe or has all possible bugs removed.
Download now, absolutely safe and fast on the official site. Most of the tools are controlled from a command console. However, graphical launchers are included, translated into English for better understanding and use. Here you can download the 32-bit version of Wifislax.
What is Wifislax?
It is one of the most important Linux distributions for auditing and analyzing Network Security.
With this tool we can analyze and check the security of our Wi-Fi network.