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Pick a book, get a deal Look, who doesn’t like a good, old-fashioned, butterfly-inducing deal? Whether it’s an original ballad, a classic cardboard and pin sign, or a romantic bouquet of red roses, a proposal is a pivotal moment in our teenage lives. But the question is, what kind of offer is right for you? Well, I have the perfect metric. You choose your favorite book; I have a suggestion for you. Your friend interrupts your AP Lit class and you’re a little upset because it’s your favorite class and you don’t want the teacher to be mad at you. But when you see the bouquets of red roses, all is forgiven. They come at you with a box of chocolates and everything else in the room melts. Inside, the truffles are surrounded by two individual chocolates, one with delicate tips that spells the word YES and the other that spells the word NO. A stranger hands you a mysterious envelope. There is a riddle in it. It’s confusing and you ask your crush/co-conspirator for help. They love puzzles, and yet they aren’t very helpful with this one. The puzzle you discover leads to a puzzle box. There is a key in the box. But a key to what? You will find that it opens a secret room in your school. When you open the door, you’ll find your crush/co-conspirator inside. They smile and hold up a classic, “Are you going to prom with me?” they sign with an unruly but elegant handwriting. Your ideal offer is not a proposal. (You’ll still go, of course, but you won’t enjoy it. You won’t enjoy being locked in your soulmate’s arms on the dance floor, or having everyone stare at you because you look stunning and have the perfect dress.) No, that’s not your thing. And oh god, what if they try to make you prom queen? You will only die of humiliation. Luckily you are immortal. You don’t have one suggestion, but two! And your two admirers, of course, will duel. It may not come to fatal blows, but it will be close. And, of course, you’ll be a bit disgusted when your suitors fight over you like you’re an ordinary damsel in distress. But the winner of the duel has that little half-smile you can’t seem to resist… A horse-drawn carriage arrives empty at your doorstep. Fascinated you get in. You will be led to a secluded garden covered in ivy and moss. A fog machine adds a misty texture to the air. Your suitor emerges from beyond the mist, holding a bouquet of aubergine flowers, and gallantly falls to one knee before asking you to the prom. You and your best friend have plans to meet at the mall. You want to see both prom dresses, even though you haven’t been officially asked to…yet. You wait for your friend on the upper level overlooking the atrium. Suddenly, the lights flicker. What’s happening? Then your favorite song blasts out of the speakers as people pour out of the shops and start…dancing? Is this a flash mob? You see your best friend swinging with the crowd. Your crush is in the middle of the group. When the last notes of the song are finished, the dancers form into five groups. From above, the clusters form the word PROM? Your crush smiles, all dimples and bright eyes, and he waves at you sheepishly, waiting for your response. Your sweetheart will take you to your favorite restaurant. You are a foodie with discerning tastes and a refined palette. But you also love food and how it connects you to memories and community. So things are off to a good start. Right before dessert, your date disappears and is gone for a while… While you wait, the lights in the restaurant go down, leaving only the candles on the tables flickering. You wonder why the lights don’t come back on. Is this a blackout? Then your date comes up behind you, gliding through the candlelight, her favorite guitar slung over her shoulder. They strum softly, then begin to sing. It’s original An Ode to You When the song ends, they declare their love and ask if you’ll go to prom with them. Pick a book!