Download the Cheatbreaker Client from Mediafire Now!

- New wings and capes.
- New cosmetic button in the escape menu: Change your cosmetic on each server.
- Blocked servers now display a reason why they are blocked.
- Friend Icons: Certain ranks on the protocol network will receive a fancy icon next to their name in the friends list.
- New modify setting: enable/disable brackets in text.
- Updated marker settings: enable/disable text shadow, enable/disable background, change text color and background color.
- New mods: server gauge mod, range gauge mod, combo counter mod, saturation mod, potion counter mod.
- Lunar Client Support: Any server that supports Lunar Client features (benchmarks, cooldowns, etc.) will now work on CheatBreaker.
Java 7 or higher
- CB Solid White
- CB Solid Red
- OG Black CB
- OG White CB
- CB Landscape
- CB Winter
- Candy Stick
- Starry Night
- CB Green
- CB Blue
- CB Orange
- CB Pink
- CB Purple
- CB Red
- CB Teal
) ) )
- BC Yellow
- Pink
- Potion
- Soup
- Snowball
- Sword
- tixagb_14)
- CB Waves
- Magma Cream
- Diamond
- Emerald
- Lin Gold Drops
- CB Pixel
- Crown
- Sunset
- Lapis Lazuli
- Red Stone
- Totem
- CB No Connection
- Wither
- Panda
- Mushroom
- CB Chroma
- CBagb_14 (Chroma_14 Schematic) tixag CB Drops
- CB Supernova
- CB Tokyo
- Polar Bear
- CBOG Vampire
- ) OG CB Vampire Outline (tixagb_ag_14) (tixag_ag_14) CB Sea
- CB Rainbow
- OG CB Blue
- OG CB Blue Outline
- OG CB Green Outline
- OG CB Green Outline
- OG CB Red
- OG CB Red Outline (ti xagb_14)
- CB White Purple City
- CB Purple City Black
- CB Purple City Red
- CB Purple City Orange
- CB Galaxy Blue
- CB Gray Galaxy
- CB Yellow Galaxy
- CB Cyan Galaxy
- CB Purple Galaxy
- CB Night
- CB Black Solid
- Vampire CB
- Pitch Black CB
- Foggy Red CB
- Foggy Blue CB
- CB Sky
- Turtle
- Shield.1
- Netherite
- Blue Turtle
- CB Enderman
- CB 8Bit City
- Futuristic CB
- CB Cherry Tree
- CB Lights
- CB Wild
- CB Abstract
- 8Bit Ice Mountains
- 8Bit Night City
- Moon
- Black
- (Bontixag_ tixagb_14)
- Butterfly (Blue)
- Butterfly (Yellow) tixagb_14)
- Dark Blue
- Green
- ) Indigo
- Indigo )
- Orange
- Pink
- Purple
- Turquoise
- Yellow
- Ice
- mint
- light blue
- butterfly (rainbow)
- butterfly (pink)
- Light pink
- White
- Silver
- Black
- Galaxy
- Prismatic
- Dark Red
- tixagb_14)
- Butterfly (Red)
- Bright Red
- Outline Red
- Ghost
- Red and White
- ) White Outline
- Black Outline
- Rainbow Outline
- Vampire
- Blue and White
- Blue Galaxy
- Blue Hearts
- tixag_14) Green Bone
- Green Light Bone
- Púrpura Bone
- Bone Red
- Butterfly Green
- Butterfly Light Red
- Butterfly Purple
- Camo Green
- Cloud Black (tixagb _14)
- cloudy blue
- cloudy green
- cloudy violet
- cloudy red
- cloudy white
- cloudy yellow
- Outline dark blue
- ) Dark camouflage green outline
- Dark purple
- Light blue
- Fire green
- Fire red
- Bright blue
- Bright Green Outline
- Bright Green
- Bright Red Outline
- Green and White
- Galaxy Gr A
- Green Hearts
- Ice spikes
- Big blue pixelated hearts
- Big pink pixelated hearts
- Light blue outline
- Light green outline
- Light red outline (tixagb_ 14)
- Pink hearts
- Blue pixelated hearts
- Green pixelated hearts
- Red pixelated hearts
- Red galaxy
- Snow heart tixagb_14)
- Cloudy Gray
- Cloudy Dark Red
- Bone Gray
- Bone Blue
- Red Hearts
- Cyan Galaxy
- Dark Blue Galaxy
- Light Green Galaxy
- Orange Galaxy
- Pink Galaxy
- Purple Galaxy (ti xagb_14)
- Dark Red Galaxy
- Yellow Galaxy
- Blood
- Blue Streaks
- Cyan Streaks
- Faint Blue Streaks
- Faint Cyan Streaks tixagb_14)
- Faint green stripes
- Glo ala Red stripes
- Green stripes
- Light magenta stripes
- Light green stripes
- Magenta stripes
- Orange stripes
- ) Purple stripes
- Red stripes
- Yellow stripes
- Gray stripes
- Light blue stripes
- Light blue stripes
- Light green stripes
- Light purple stripes
- Light red stripes
- Light yellow stripes
- ) Pink Stripes
- Dark Bone Red
- Dark Blood
- Void
- Cheese
- Gradient Pink Butterfly
- Gradient Purple Butterfly
(tixag ) CB Lines
(tixag _14) Iron Ingot
(tixagreaker) tixagb_14)
CB 8 Bit Mountains
(tix ag_14) CB Red Sky
tixag_14) Enderman
tixag_14) Blue
) Red
(ti xag_14) cloudy orange
(tixag _14) Light red stripes