Download Pokemon Gaia ROM for Free on Mediafire

Spherical Ice, MrDollSteak, Shinoya, Giradialkia, Touched, FBI, DaniilS, French-Cyndaquil, Revolocities, Frysinger, Ijkee, Cuddlesthefatcat, Mateo, Fangking Omega, Kyle-Dove, Neslug, Coronis, GeoIsEvil, Avatar, DoesntKnowHowToPlay, Darthatron , Jambo51, karatekid552, JPAN, knizz, HackMew, Chaos Rush, Navenatox, Squeetz, Sagiri, Crazy_chu, KeyRogue, RedPrime, KLM_SpitFire, Porto, AllTimeIndie
Pokémon Gaia Feature
- Pokemon from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos
- Current Transfer Units, corrected to OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire
- Trending Aggressive Items: Pick Specs, Assault Vest, Tablet skills etc
- Trending Skills – Mega Launcher, Sheer Power, etc.
- Special Body/Split
- Mega Evolution in Battle
- Fairy Type and the New Leaderboard
- Current Pokémon Sprites
- Current Trainers Sprites
- Unique Songs
- Scalable Partitions
- Underwater and Dive Maps
- Hidden Caves and Secret Temples
- The Catching Contest Insects
- The Battle March
- B2/W2 Defense System
- Reusable TMs
- EXP Capture System
More games:
- Complete.
- English and Spanish.
- Recent history and region.
- Mega Evolutions in battle.
- Physical and special damage.
- Fairy type.
- Omega Ruby’s Movements and Abilities.
- New effects and animations.
- Main and secondary missions.
- Hidden places.
- Custom graphics of the 3 generations.
The Pokémon in Pokémon Gaia GBA include Pokémon with Pokémon from the first generation to the sixth generation. It also includes mega evolutions, with a mega evolution system in battle with a bunch of mega stones scattered throughout the region.
Movesets/Battle System/Capture System:
There are several new movesets in the Pokemon Gaia downloadable game. The main character can now jump on roofs and climb walls. Also, you can move in and out of the buildings, which makes it easier for you to play. Also, you will be surprised to see the combat system of the game. 3D effects and animations were part of the game both in battles and in capture mode.
The fighting animations are one of the most important updates to the game that makes it so special that everyone can play it at least once. Added some new types of 3D elements, which is quite an interesting feature in battle mode. Pick one of your strongest characters to make sure you have a good fight with your opposing team.
Updated: November 8, 2018
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