white 2 Download Pokemon Black 2 for Free on Mediafire

Download Pokemon Black 2 for Free on Mediafire

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Name: Pokémon Black Version 2 Language: Spanish Texts Size: 82.1 MB Platform: Nintendo DS Server: MEGA/MediaFire Loader: Osiel

Summary: They are two video games belonging to the fifth generation and the successors of Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version. Released February 26, 2012


Contains a large number of different encounters. There are around 450 Pokémon available, so each run feels unique. Many Pokémon have easy access to their hidden abilities or new abilities for both variety and balance. Many moves have been adjusted for balance and utility. Full list in the documentation. Adjusted higher level study sets for stone evolutions to match their pre-evolutions (due to missing moves). Trade-based evolutions and the like have been adjusted for a single player game.

Each trainer has competitive teams with a maximum IV (31) in each stat, as well as balanced and/or themed teams. Conversely, the player cannot earn EVs through battles. The trainers on the routes are comparatively easier, while the fitness trainers tend to be stronger. Optional trainers tend to be much more difficult, protect better items, or have access to additional encounters. You will also find all Gym Leaders from previous regions throughout the game. Victory Road features world championship teams with the actual person who created the team. All groups of more than 250 trainers are documented in case you want to plan the fight.

Download and Install Black and White 2

  1. Click the download button below and you will be redirected to UploadHaven.
  2. Wait 5 seconds and click the blue Download Now button. Now let the download begin and wait for it to complete.
  3. When Black and White 2 has finished downloading, right-click the .zip file and click “Extract to Black.and.White.2.Complete.Collection.zip” (to do this, you need 7-Zip , which you can get here).
  4. Double-click the Black and White 2 folder and run the exe application.
  5. Have fun and play! Make sure you run the game as administrator, and if you’re getting missing DLL errors, look for a Redist or _CommonRedist folder and install all the programs in the folder.

Click the download button below to start Black and White 2 Free Download with direct link. It is the full version of the game. Don’t forget to run the game as administrator.

Pokémon Emerald Emulator

To run the Pokémon Emerald ROM you need an Emerald Emulator. It depends on the device you are using to run this ROM. The ROM file works on any device that uses the GBA emulator. You can download the emulator below.

See Also–> Pokemon Fire Red ROM


This game has a linear story. The events in this game occurred sequentially. The main character of the game is a young Pokémon master who starts his journey from Unova. Snivy, Tepigor, Oshawotta are the starter Pokémon. The game also includes battles, catching Pokemon, etc.

Black has a three-screen third-person view of play. Main screen, a battle screen and menu screens. Players can change game settings, outfits, and switch between Pokémon. Pokémon can participate in battles and players can catch more wild Pokémon.

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