Download Pokemon Ash Gray for Free on Mediafire

As in all games, the introduction will be made by Professor Oak, you won’t be able to choose the sex of the protagonist since you will be ASH himself and your rival will be GARY.
- On route 25 where you find Charmander there is a Pokémon Center that could collapse so save the game as soon as possible you enter his house .
- Some stories are repeated over and over again.
- There are spelling and grammatical errors in most places.
Pokemon Ash Gray Complete Version 4.5.3 Walkthrough:
The main character is at home watching past Pokemon battles that happened many years ago. This is a lazy type of character who is constantly busy watching movies etc. In the near future, you will soon start your Pokémon adventure for the first time. But you’re late because all your rivals have taken all the starter Pokémon available.
Members of the opposing team have taken all of the starter Pokémon available in the game. Since you were busy watching the battles in Pallet Town all night, they collected the Pokémon from you. Now it’s your turn to choose Pikachu, since you don’t have a choice available at the moment. It all happened because of your late awakening and your laziness.
Characteristic Pokemon Ash Gray
- Play as Ash Ketchum
- Have a chance to catch all Ash Pokemon
- Follow the same chances tixagb_14)
- New tiles
- New sprites
- New maps
- New instruments switch HMs
- Hatchet replaces HM01 Reduce
- Laptop Teleport System replaces Fly
- Raft replaces Surf
- Laptop Teleport System replaces HM02 Fly
- Raft replaces HM03 Surf
- Pickaxe replaces HM06 Rock Smash
- Added Climb pack to use as Rock Climb
- Added Whirlpuller to cross whirlpools
- F o Offers the same chances as in the Pokémon anime sequence
- Catch all of Ash’s Pokémon
- Pickaxe replaces Rock Smash
- The Climb pack is offered as an alternative to Rock Climb
- Whirlpuller is used to traverse through whirlpools
- Earn rewards for promoting Ash’s crew
- New tiles, sprites and maps
- New instruments to change HM –
- Hatchet replaces Reduce
- Laptop Teleport System replaces Fly
- Raft replaces Surf
. )
Info Pokemon Ash Gray
Game Info
Pokemon Ash GreyAuthor: metapod23Game Base: Pokemon FireRedCheats:Click hereSource:Link
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