Download My Little Pony Fight is Magic from

I have felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if a thousand lifelong readers were shouting at the same time and suddenly fell silent. It is not for less: it is most likely that you have caused it yourself. After the case of Fur and Scorn I bring you “MLP: Fighting is Magic: Tribute Edition”, the fighting game of My little pony. More than one is raising their hands to their heads in horror when they see ponies on; And I don’t even tell them when they read it and see that this game is not official that it uses them as its main attraction, I really like it. Don’t worry, all is not lost; I hate bronies too.
Here was a paragraph dedicated to the BRONIES -adult fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the reboot of an 80s franchise that left the Transformers pathetic- and why I consider them the worst fandom of all the times, but finally I preferred to cut it. I’m not like to put myself on radar against anyone right now. I’m going to leave it in a simple note that says that any group of people who position themselves as better people, more intellectual, morally superior… than other fandoms, but who behave just as arrogant, aggressive, self-congratulatory and mentally closed than these, I produce the same infinite disgust and desire to see them all annihilated (perhaps this is why I have had a lethal self-hatred for a few years…). I’ll leave it there.
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Thanks @CyB1K & Xmrallx & AccurateMemory
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