Download Lanc Remastered for Free on Mediafire

Lanc Remastered is one of the best PS4 IP extractor and starter for PlayStaion and Xbox resolver that converts PS4 username to assigned IP address. It works the same way that DNS works as each website is assigned an IP address and when the user puts their domain name in the web address and points to the specific assigned IP of that website. Remember that this tool is not like other network investigation tools like WireShark or Cain n Abel. It is only up to the players to find out who is playing on the other side and find out their IP to know their location. It does not perform any other network investigation like Wireshark does.
To get started with Lanc Remastered, install the following applications: – Microsoft C++ – Microsoft Silverlight – WinPcap
Download Lanc Remastered IP Puller
You can download Lanc Remastered from this side.
You may also be interested in: How to Extract IP Addresses on PS4 and Xbox with Lanc Remastered
Installation Requirements
Install the following tools to get Lanc Remastered on your Windows machine be executable.
- .Net Framework 4.5.2
- C++ 2010 Redistributable Package
- NPcap
- Added search by username
- Now with online database for saved data
- Works similar to above LANC versions with arp spoofing
- Username search added
- Now with online database for saved data
- Works similar to the older versions of Lanc with arp spoofing
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After downloading, double-click the pcps.exe file to start the program.
After downloading, double-click the pcps.exe file to start the program.