Download Direct X 11 for Free from Mediafire

DirectX is an application program interface (API) released by Microsoft for displaying high-quality images and videos. Adds a spicy display to your PC graphics. It is mainly used for high-definition movies and games. DirectX is usually pre-installed on newer Microsoft operating systems, but must be updated to get the new graphics variants.
- Tessellation: It is a GPU calculator that smooths the image and results in a high resolution image.
- Multi-Threading: Helps PC work on a faster frame so your game doesn’t get bogged down.
- Direct compute: Supports gaming and non-gaming applications. Some programs like Photoshop or another video editor require a lot of processing. It helps speed them up and saves time.
Problems with Windows 10 systems
Windows 10 has the latest version of DirectX 11 and is pre-installed with it. If you’re still having problems, use this runtime to fix them!
It’s a very simple concept: if your graphics are not working properly on Windows 10 or earlier versions of Windows installed with DX11, install these runtimes because they will surely solve any problem!
DirectX 11 is an application that allows you to run graphically demanding programs and games, especially if you use Windows 7 and Windows 8.
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Transparency Anti-aliasing
The function works very simply and gives high-quality video game image. Easily control the existing Adjacent Edges on the crystalline parts with multiple images, as well as the textures that are used in the game.
The GPU calculator that allows you to create smoother and more effective images. By using the hardware tessellation engine in conjunction with a graphics chip, users can produce various triangular paths through geometry.