Download Dead Now Mediafire – Get the Latest Version Now

Throughout 2023, we’ll be celebrating a number of DEATH STRANDING superfans with a monthly #DSPorterSpotlight blog. We want to highlight those who have gone above and beyond. These positive forces that bring so much love and passion to this community!
In January we interviewed the incredibly talented Krystine Art, whose illustrations of iconic DEATH STRANDING characters like Sam Bridges and Fragile blew us away. You can watch this interview here:
Lil Nas X Dead Right Now MP3
Lil Nas X comes with a new song titled “Dead Right Now” and is here for quick download.
Listen and Download Lil Nas X – Dead Right Now Below: 👇
Listen and Download Kina – Get You The Moon Below:
You Have Me You gave me a shoulder when I needed it You showed me love when I didn’t feel it You helped me fight when I gave up and you made me laugh when I lost it because you are, you are the reason my head is still above water. And if I could, I’d get you the moon And I’d give it to you And if death came for you, I’d give my life for you Cause you’re, you’re the reason I still hold on ’cause you’re the reason my head’s still on top of it water and if I could I would bring you the moon and I would give it to you and if death came for you I would give my life for you because you are you are oh you are oh you are you are because you are you are the gr and because I keep faltering because you are the reason why that my head is still above water and if I could I would get you the moon and I would give it to you and if death came for you I would give my life for you