Download Call of Duty Advanced Warfare for PC via Mediafire

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare PC Game Features
Below are the exciting previews and features you will find after downloading Call of Duty Advanced Warfare.
- Holographic projections as a source of information.
- Exciting gameplay of Nuclear Destruction.
- New face animation set.
- Advances in audio related to emotions and feelings.
- The multiplayer mode will also have female soldiers.
- Advanced Warfare is the result of three years of development.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is a genre of first-person shooter video game produced by Sledgehammer Games and published by Activision (Square Enix in Japan). It is the eleventh game in the main Call of Duty series and the first to be produced primarily by Sledgehammer Games. It was released on November 4, 2014 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. Also, one day before the official release of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – Day Zero Edition, double XP was included for the first day and two exclusive weapons. The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions were produced by High Moon Studios and were a collaboration with Raven Software to create the multiplayer mode. The story takes place in 2054, the year the terrorist organization KVA simultaneously attacks multiple nuclear reactors in North America, Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa, leaving governments around the world in a state of chaos and incapacitating defenses. . As a result, the United States looks to the Atlas Corporation, the largest and most powerful private military company, whose CEO and founder is Jonathan Irons (Kevin Spacey), to help them fight and rebuild general order. The player controls Jack Mitchell (Troy Baker), an Atlas soldier and former Marine who lost his left arm in a battle in Seoul. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare had a production run of three years instead of the usual two. It is the first series to use a new engine since Call of Duty 2, and also the first not to be released on the Nintendo platform since Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare was well received by critics. Aggregated review websites GameRankings and Metacritic give the PlayStation 4 version 82.86% and 82/100, respectively, and the Xbox version 86.16% and 85/100 One, respectively. Like the other Call of Duty games, Advanced Warfare is presented in a first-person perspective. The game has several changes from the previous one; Advanced Warfare does not use the traditional “heads up display” (HUD), instead all player-related information is displayed through holographic projections of equipped weapons. The shooter remains unchanged, new mechanics apart from for example some weapons can be charged slower, allowing the player to take cover and stay for a certain amount of time to get ammo. The player can also change the different types of grenades while pressing any of the command keys including Frag, Stun, EMP, Smart, Threat, etc. You can also target standard or energy-based ammunition (for example lasers) depending on the chosen class and all with different attributes. 8 In Advanced Warfare they are presented with exoskeletons. The introduction of mechanics enhances the player’s movements, such as large vertical jumps via instant jets, the use of harpoons for grappling, the ability to turn invisible, and biomechanics that grant increased power, awareness, power, and speed. During the campaign, players can earn points from missions, which can then be used to upgrade the exoskeleton with new properties. 9 10 The customization found in Call of Duty: Ghosts is also present in Advanced Warfare. Unlike the previous Call of Duty where we had to follow 2 or 3 or more characters at the same time, the campaign follows only one, Mitchell, so the player has a greater bond with him. This technique was only used once in the series with Big Red One. The game’s story thus follows the path of Mitchell’s decade, spread over 15 missions 1 . Unlike previous games, in Call of Duty 3 there will be no “briefing/debriefing” as an introduction to the game’s mission, just cinematics (designed CGI or pre-calculated 3D computer graphics) staffed similarly. The character Mitchell will speak elsewhere during these cutscenes, but not during missions to make Action 2 more immersive. Sledgehammer Games is therefore halfway between Treyarch and Infinity Ward. The former, preferring a character, can speak and interact with other characters throughout the game, saying that the latter prefers a completely silent character to improve assimilating him around the player. Sledgehammer Games has done a significant amount of research into technological advances that are or could be used for military purposes, and we’ve found a weapons arsenal of a variety of weapons that can continuously 3-D print their own ammunition, directed energy . Weapons, grenades all in one, etc. However, the main novelty of the game is the exoskeleton (or EXO), which brings a vertical aspect to the gameplay of the game. EXO allows the player to jump higher, have more power, cushion falls with a rocket pack, etc. At the end of each level, by completing the level, the player unlocks points and these points can be used in a “skill tree” to improve the overall EXO across the country 3 . As a bonus, the developers have placed various pieces of information around the country to give more insight into the characters, the game world, etc. 1 . The campaign also allows players to unlock Supply Drop, which can be used in the game’s multiplayer mode. Advanced Warfare multiplayer borrows heavily from Call of Duty: Black Ops II multiplayer. Michael Condrey, co-founder of Sledgehammer Games, admits that of all the multiplayer experiences in the series, multiplayer was his favourite” 4 . In fact, the game revisits the Pick 10 system introduced in Black Ops II and renamed 13 Pick. 10 points that allows the player to create his class, each item costs one point), this time allocating 13 points. Players can allocate these points based on what they have in their class, as a primary weapon, as a secondary weapon, each of the two enjoy accessories, perks, bonuses, etc. This is not the only feature borrowed from studio opus Treyarch, Scorestreak, in this game, as the name suggests, they are obtained thanks to the bonus points scored by the players, each elimination, assists , lens acquisition, defense, etc. gives a score to the player who has accumulated to receive a significant bonus.In the case of Black Ops II, all actions performed related to the defense or marksmanship were reported to have a higher score, up to and including simply taking out enemies, to encourage players to engage in the mode’s objectives. Various new features keep coming, Scorestreak is now customizable, Sledgehammer wants to do some deep customization in their multiplayer. In fact, it is possible to improve or modify some of its characteristics in exchange for increasing the score necessary to obtain them. However, this system allows several bonuses to be obtained at the same time if the player has given the same number of points to each of his bonuses. The second novelty is that some of these score streaks are used in cooperation, a player can fly with a helicopter, for example, and thus also eliminate opposing soldiers and join a teammate, for example mark objectives or use weapons secondary. A new class of weapons appeared, originally called Heavy Weapon, this class includes directed energy weapons or even more conventional heavy weapons like machine guns. New weapons, such as weapons that 3D-print their own ammunition or more “traditional” weapons from the Call of Duty series, will be present in Advanced Warfare 5 multiplayer. A new feature was introduced during class creation, the field of fire. virtual shot. This stand allows players to tentatively use and observe all weapons and their operation against targets before or during parties to be fully satisfied with the created class. One of the main themes of the game is the exoskeleton and the entire multiplayer mode revolves around this new gameplay element that brings a new dimension of verticality. In fact, the new movements have been specifically designed for use with the so-called EXO. In addition to the standard jump present in all Call of Duty, he jumps higher and longer, called Boost Jump, he jumps, he can reach heights that could not be reached in previous games. The Boost Dodge dodges any threat by moving left, right, or even jumping backwards. The Boost Dash is the equivalent of Dodge, but when the player is airborne, this time allows it when accelerating forward. The Boost slide is reminiscent of the slide available on the Call of Duty: Ghosts album and finally the Slam Boost which allows you to nullify an opponent or hit the ground when the player is airborne. The EXO also allows you to perform powerful attacks without using a knife, as has been the case in previous games since Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Despite all these developments, and to accommodate all players, Sledgehammer Games has also added a “traditional” playlist called Classic, which turns off all the new EXO-related gameplay elements to find a play style close to Opus. 6 above. A new feature has also been introduced, the EXO ability. For example, these abilities allow you to run faster, have more lives, be silent, have a shield, levitate, etc., but only for a few seconds. Once the full capacity, rechargeable is not only a resurgence after removal in the party will be reused. It is entirely possible to have more capacity in the amount of remaining points when creating a class. Players still have the ability to use all the different grenades throughout the game, but the difference is that they are thrown directly from EXO, and this feature is called the EXO Launcher. Another feature introduced with Advanced Warfare is Supply Drop. This feature allows the player to gain bonuses such as one-time scorestreaks, weapon variants (more than 350 in total from seven to ten per weapon), and customization items on successful challenges or following their playtime. The last two categories are divided into three rarity levels: Enlisted, Professional, and Elite, with the first being the most common and the third being the most common. These items, once released, will be moved to a menu called Armory and remain there permanently. The player can take advantage of a rare variant of an item they value or an unusual customization. Weapon variants are distinguished by a different name, camouflage, and different weapon features compared to the base weapon, these variants can sometimes have non-detachable attachments. Customization has been really highlighted by Sledgehammer Games ever since the game was announced. Soldier customization introduced in Ghosts allows you to create a soldier from 20,000 different combinations. In Advanced Warfare there are more than 2 billion combinations 7 present in the game with the “Creat-An-Operator” system (such as “Creat-A-Class” from the first Modern Warfare and “Create-A-Soldier of Ghosts” ) . We can change the gender (during an interview with Polygon, the two founders of the studio said that women will be represented in the multiplayer game, as was the case with Ghosts 8), the color of the skin and everything that the aesthetic of the plastron to through. simple boots sandwich the helmet, the exoskeleton or the gloves. The publisher emblems introduced by Treyarch in Black Ops episodes are also back. Players create their own emblem visible to all and can place it on their exoskeleton. The game will have 13 cards at launch in its basic version. However, the Season Pass and Collector’s Editions (ATLAS and ATLAS Pro) have an additional map called “ATLAS Gorge”, a remake of the “Pipeline” map from the first Modern Warfare, it is the only remake of the 14 maps in the game. since its release. Some of these maps have an event called “Dynamic” (which first appeared in Black Ops II but actually came to the fore in Ghosts), including some that have an event that always repeats in the same way and at the same time. others depend on the events the players receive, and some have both, and finally, some have nothing. The multiplayer mode consists of 12 game modes (13 modes against the 10 announced). There are the classic Team Deathmatch, Search and Destroy, Domination, Free For All or Capture the Flag. The return of the Hardpoint mode from Black Ops II, appreciated by casual players, as well as the professional shooter mode introduced in Call of Duty: Black Ops, where players received a new weapon for each elimination. Kill Confirmed and Infected modes were introduced in Modern Warfare 3 and Infinity Ward introduced Search and Rescue mode in Ghosts. TDM, SnD, KC, and HP modes are also available in a playlist called Hardcore. Hardcore and Classic playlists are also limited to 11 across four game modes. Two new modes are also present, the Momentum mode, which uses the principle of War of Call of Duty 3: Off to Paris and Call of Duty: World at War. In this modality, two teams compete, which must take 5 flags on the map, plus the number of flags captured, the more points won, the more points won, the team with the most points wins the game. The peculiarity of the method is that more opponents of the team are quickly eliminated via the decision flag, with a first phase lasting 2 times faster and the last level “Momentum” with a decision 3 times faster before the return of the lower level. Uplink mode between two teams and capture a randomly placed drone on the map and bring it to the opponent. Simply launch the drone into the area or opponent to launch to earn points, with the latter solution awarding a higher number of points. The drone wielder has lost their weapons but has additional armor from a strategic standpoint, sending the drone at an opponent and then taking it away from them is a good tactic. A way to introduce multiplayer games that consist of bots is now called Combat Readiness Program 12. In this mode, players can compete against rookie team bots alone or with other players in the different game modes available in this game. As an introduction to multiplayer, some features have been removed, such as B. Killcam, which has been a feature of the Call of Duty series since its inception, final leaderboards and chat audio, there are also no changes to range or experience. . However, the method is useful as of Scorestreak so that players can practice before jumping into online multiplayer. COD Advanced Warfare Screenshots
How to Download Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare PC
- Step 1: Click the download button, you will be redirected to our download page
- Step 2: Click the download button for Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare PC
- Step 3: Your download will launch the free installer officially by
- Step 4: Download and install the file and then you can install the game
- Step 5: With a good internet connection, it will be easy to download the game
- Step 6: After after that After completing the installation, you will be able to enjoy Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare PC Free
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