Download Big WPA List 22.rar from Mediafire

Below are some dictionaries that can be used with Kali Linux or anything that requires a word list. They are simple word list dictionaries used to brute force WPA/WPA2 data collection with aircrack-ng.
These are dictionaries that have been around for a while and are here for you to practice. Once you’re comfortable using a dictionary and they don’t crack the password for you, it might be a good idea to create your own using Crunch. I also added a wordlist preloaded with Backtrack and Kali called darkc0de.lst and rockyou.txt
. What is a dictionary attack?
The password dictionary attack is a brute force hacking method. It is used to break into a password protected computer system or server by systematically entering each word in the dictionary as a password. Such attack method is also used to find the key required to decrypt encrypted files, some dictionaries having. In the event that we want to download the password dictionaries that they have on their platform, we can do it directly from here. The largest dictionary has a total of 1,493,677,782 words and takes up 15 GB of storage space. We can download it from the Internet or use the BitTorrent network, which is much faster.
Another dictionary we have available is a “small” version of the above based on various leaks over the years. In this list we have a total of 64 million passwords in the list and it occupies about 300MB uncompressed, so we will also have a large number of words and keys to try when cracking a WPA key.