Download Badlion Client 2.0 – No Mediafire Needed

Additional effects are also available, such as motion blur, world curvature, depth of field, normal and specular mapping, and celshading, just to name a few. There are no noticeable glitches or bugs in the entire shader pack. Colors get a boost and saturation change, improving the atmosphere, especially for the Nether; Bright, bold colors mixed with shadows create a very pleasing experience on the eyes. Other than that, BSL shaders require a lot of extra resources for your PC and are not designed for low-spec PCs. However, since this package is probably the best way to beautify the graphics of your game, it is worth every additional installation. To ensure you get the best visual quality, BSL shaders require Optifine. If you don’t already have this mod installed, you should do so in order to have the best experience with this shader pack.
- However, launcher functions do not end at the launcher. When you launch the game from the Badlion client, you can access many graphical features. This starts with the FOV or field of view. You can make granular adjustments based on your preferred view, or set it to the maximum FOV possible – an option aptly named Quake Pro.
- You can also customize your character’s appearance with cosmetics like capes, hats, bandanas and more . The good thing about this menu is that it only shows the items that you have available. If you don’t have any options, the menu will be empty.
- The single player menu hardly differs from the standard launcher. However, the multiplayer menu provides an easy way to organize the servers you like and to find new servers. By default, the menu shows the servers you have added, but it can also show the BAC servers.
- These servers include GommeHD, SkyWars.World, Stelerio and more. There are dozens of servers to choose from. If you find one you like, you can join simply by selecting “Connect”.
- After starting the game you will notice that the options in the game are different from the normal ones. First, you can assign six emotes to a wheel for quick access. You can also do the same with sprays. These are great for playing with other people as you can easily express yourself or compliment people on great games.
The main modification categories are: